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Member Comments... “I was really hoping to meet Russian girls in my area without having to travel anywhere and it was great to find out it was possible on Russian brides. Now I’m chatting to some great girls and we’l see where it leads. So many girls on this site who is really hot, funny and amazing to talk to. All the ones I spoke to know both English and Russian so its cool. I’m totally loving it! I’ve got really high hope about one girl in particular because we’ve been chatting loads and might meet up soon. The great thing is she doesn’t live to far away.” Joseph, Torrance, CA
My favorite animal is horses and dogs.It so happened in childhood that a horse bit my finger when I fed it with grape leaves. It was terribly painful, but it did not affect my love for these beautiful and noble animals.Unfortunately, it was only a few years ago that I first mounted a horse and rode a horse. It was unforgettable, as if I were a truck driver. But this truck has a soul and strong energy.In my city, horse clubs are quite expensive entertainment, so most often I come to horse farms, feed horses brought carrots, apples and cookies. As a result, my love for them is mutual.
Camping, horse riding, dancing, nature, sports.
Do you believe in eternal love? I believe, but if this love is confirmed by the creation of a family. Besides, family is a place where you can be yourself, where you are accepted for which you are. Family is a place where you can be yourself and a normal wife is obliged to accept you in any mood, with or without money, in clothes or without and get comfort, emotional support, nurturing and the warmth of affection and tenderness. Wife help you to survive through tough times and bring joy and happiness into life. Families bond together make each member feel important and instill trust belief in ourselves. They are ready to help us and to do everything for us.I hope you understand that family happiness is the highest value for me.
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